The founding of “EISA-Eiprodukte GmbH Sachsen”. Establishment of the first egg products factory in Saxony to accompany and promote the hygienisation of the baking industry in the new federal states.
Expansion of the production facility with a higher breaking volume.
November 2009
Construction of a new breaking and pasteurization line to separate the production and filling of liquid whole egg into large containers (container goods) for all types of husbandry.
March 2010
Inbetriebnahme einer Sprühtrocknungsanlage zur Herstellung von Hühnervolleipulver für alle Haltungsformen.
December 2011
Successfully attained IFS certification (International featured Standard) Version 5 “Food”.
Mai 2012
The founding of “EISA Sachsen GmbH”.
January 2013
On 16 to 18 January 2013 the targeted “International featured Standard” certification for “Food” version 6 was successfully attained with the rating of “Higher Level”.
April 2013
Member of the Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry e.V. KAT-no. EP-027-DE.
May 2013
Manufacture and sale of products from ecological production (organic) DE-ÖKO-024.
November 2013
Commissioning of a powder warehouse.
January 2014
Confirmation of the IFS certification Version 6 “Higher Level”.